Fuchsia 'Baby Blue Eyes' | Botanical Studies #flowerfriday

 It's time for another #flowerfriday. This week I'd like to share with you one of my all time favourites...

Fuchsia 'Baby Blue Eyes'

I have always loved fuchsias, my nanna used to grow so many different varieties in her garden that every year it was a jungle of colour.

I grew this little one from a plug plant size, it has done well in the courtyard in a little pot. Fuchsia I have found are easy to grow and very forgiving, if you forget to water them for a while (which I have to admit I did) they will forgive you and don't seem to mind too much.

This particular variety is an annual but I have read that it can be 'carried over' so i'm going to give it a try. It has flowered for me since June and is still going strong now at the end of September!
Though it is said that they can grow up to 90cm tall mine has stayed at only 30cm tall.
I have grown mine in a sunny spot though it is said they also thrive in part-shade.

Getting Creative
Fuchsia are fantastic subjects for botanical art, their shape is a challenge if trying to draw exactly but in abstract form I really enjoyed painting them.
The flowers and leaves press really well and make beautiful pieces.
I haven't yet tried using them in fabric dyeing but when I do I will update here.


Monto said…
lovely fuchsia :-) yes you can over winter the annual ones - need to put away in a conservatory, porch or garage and water a little every week or so. If you've no indoor space - put them in most protected part of garden and wrap in bubblewrap or fleece if the temp goes below zero or frosty. There are many hardy fuchsias though they grow alot bigger). Yes fuchsias prefer dappled shade as the original wild varieties grow under tree cover on mountains. Hope this helps. Love Bec :-)

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