It is funny, having worked in the Industry now for many years each sale still gives me butterflies in my tummy.
I've been very lucky through my recent Devon Open Studios exhibition and sold a number of cards as well as art pieces including this figurative pen & wash above. The sale of this particular piece made me feel extra proud; it is a new style of working for me and I was unsure of how much of a 'saleable' style it was. The pen & wash style is very vibrant in colour base in a very loose flow with black pen figurative floral work on top. I love experimenting with this style and had hoped people would enjoy it but obviously with all art is is very much dependant on those viewing as to its appeal.
The tulip piece above was one of the more simplistic in the style with just a few colours and toned down in comparison to some of the very bright pieces on show, the lady who purchased it mentioned it's 'simple elegance'
I'm really glad that my figurative pen & wash are proving popular alongside some of my more traditional work.
I can't thank everyone enough for their support so far. A large majority of the sales I have made are to locals in my town so I feel especially greatful.
*The colours in the photo don't show as well as in real life