Cosmos - Seashells Mixed
I have always loved these delicate flowers but i had never grown them from seed, until last year. I usually bought them in full bloom from one of my local garden centres. I decided it was time to give them a go and seed it i was able to sucsessfully grow them from seed.
Seeds from Mr Fothergills

The seeds were sown on March 28th, i put them straight into one of my long containers with fresh compost. The above photo shows the seedlings that i noticed on April 5th.
In June / July a beautiful display appeared and i was blessed with a stunning array of Cosmos. The colours were beautiful and they lasted a really long time.
Getting Creative
These flowers were fantastic for drawing and painting inspiration. They also pressed well in my flower presses.
Growing & CareI planted these straight out in multi-purpose compost, they didn't go into a greenhouse they were sown in the planter i wanted them in. They didn't require any special care and lasted a long time with beautiful flowers.