In 2019 purchased this beautiful plant from Coombe Garden Centre. I had not had experience with this plant before so i thought i would see how i get along with it.
It came in a small pot and on inspection i could see the roots looked like they were ready for a replant so i potted him up into a slightly larger pot and placed in in my courtyard among the many other potted plants.

Getting CreativeThe little blooms of this plant were perfect for pressing in my flower presses. The plant was also great inspiration for drawing and paitning. I love the beautiful pint shade petals and yellow centre.
Growing and care
I didn't o anything special for this plant through 2019, i simply made sure it was watered regularly.
Now in 2020 i can see the plant re-appearing in its pot, i'm hopefuly for another year of beautiful blooms from it. Here is what it looks like now (March 12th 2020)