Have you been up to your allotment in Seaton recently? Have you seen the beautiful new entrance?
I must say it is looking rather lovely and the work on graveling the car tracks is going well too.
A massive thank you has to go to the lovely 'Titch' who has had a big involvement in the organisation and implementation of the improvements.
It is the beginning of a new season and so many are up on the allotments giving them a spring clean and setting up their new planting layouts.
I spent the morning in my greenhouse planting up seeds, i'm hoping for a successful crop this year! I always plant far more than i need as sometimes all the seeds don't take and any extra that i end up with i can always donate to fellow plot holders or anyone who is growing at home.
If you have any questions about Seaton allotments or growing fruits, vegetables and flowers in general please do let me know in the comments and i'll do my best to help. If i can't i'm sure i'll know someone who can!