Since moving into this house over 6 years ago i had to adapt to having a very small garden and no ground growing space. This means i grow the majority of my flowers and veg in containers. Over the years I've learnt what works well and what doesn't.
I've learnt what size pots different types of plants need in order to grow well and how much i can get away with packing into one container and still get a good yield from veg crops.
The above photo shows how my little gem lettuce are getting on. I grew these from seed and they are doing really well so far both at home and in my little greenhouse at my allotment. There hasn't been much different in the growth in the two different places which i'm glad to see, it means i can get away with growing 6 at home in a relatively small container (an old plastic drawer)

I have two new veg trugs this year, hip height ones with a good depth of compost in. This year i'm attempting growing tomato plants in them. I'll be sure to post updates and let you know how well they do in there.

This was my first radish harvest of the year, these are so easy to grow from seed directly into window box style planters. They don't need much depth to grow well. This variety grow like icicles whereas most grow round.