July harvests from the allotment and garden


I've not been posting updates as regularly as I had planned as my time has been taken up with my masters dissertation, the shop and family life. Behind the scenes though the garden and allotment have been going really well. 

This afternoon on our daily trip to the allotment we picked a great selection of tomatoes, berries, courgette, rhubarb, potatoes and a small cucumber. 

I haven't kept on top of things at the allotment very well, the weeds are taking over but In between the weeds are the most fantastic plants which are producing some fantastic things for us to eat. 

I'm really pleased with how the potatoes did, we tested them in a planter and were unsure how well they would crop. We found a great crop from just a few seed potatoes so we'll definitely be doing that again! 

I've been loving the rhubarb this year, making cakes and crumbles that the whole family have loved. 

Once my dissertation is finished and submitted I will do my best to get back to regular updates and log my gardening progress more regularly. 


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