Seed sowing March 2022


It is that time of year again! 

The sun is shining and my conservatory is full of seeds that I've just planted today. 

The seeds that I've started today are: 

Tomato - Yellow Delight, Alicante & sweet baby 
Courgette Black Beauty 
Lettuce little gem
Broccoli early purple 
Chilli Pepper - Cheyenne (an experiment using seeds from last year's Chillis) 
Artichoke - my first try with these, never done them before. 
Cucumber - Slagen 

Dwarf morning glory 

I've also potted on my Honesty Purple & white which I grew experimenting with last year's seed heads. Some success which was a surprise, looking forward to seeing how they turn out. 

I have also put some peas straight outside and some broad beans straight outside in the courtyard. 

I put a wildflower mix in the border I used to use for tomatoes, I just want to see how they will take and hopefully will get some pretty flowers to admire come summer. 

Seeing it written out I've realised I actually did quite a bit, I'm pretty pleased with that. 

My dad gave me a blueberry plant from his garden which I've planted in the courtyard, looking forward to seeing how it gets on. 

My aim is to get up to the allotment soon to check on everything and prepare it for planting soon. I'm sure there is a lot for me to tidy up! 


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