I'm really pleased with the progress we've made on the allotment recently.
We've removed most of the grass that we don't want and have put in a new pathway. We've planted courgettes, runner beans and mangetout. We have sown seeds directly of broad beans (which are showing now), carrots, parsnips, radish & lettuce.
This area shows part of the new pathways my husband has build for me, also that the courgettes are out from under their bottle protectors now. Hopefully they are big enough to survive attack now. Where the wooden plank is i am hopefully going to fit one more stab for stepping and then going to build a small square wooden planter for some flowers. I'm trying to include splashes of flowers around the plot to encourage the bees to visit.

The fruit area does need a good tidy, that is next weeks plans. I'm hopefully going to move the lack water collector out of the way and weed around the fruit bushes. I'm going to try and keep the chives though, possibly transplant those. Then I'm going to tidy around the strawberry and chard beds. Look at those raspberries though, really looking forward to those.

The pot you can see there in one of the beds is what we use to collect stones, over year years we are continuously finding more and more stones. There is honestly enough to re-stone a beach on this plot! The pot has to be emptied about every 5 minutes.