This is what my Chrysanthemum 'Shasta Daisy Alaska' on my little allotment (grown from seed last year, planted out in late summer and over wintered) looks like now, on the 1st June 2022. This will be its first year flowering, I can see the buds forming and I cannot wait to see the flowers.
I planted these to use as cut flowers, I haven't grown Chrysanthemum before but had admired them on a neighboring plot and knew that I wanted my own. They should flower towards the middle to the end of June and through until the end of August.
I planted these to use as cut flowers, I haven't grown Chrysanthemum before but had admired them on a neighboring plot and knew that I wanted my own. They should flower towards the middle to the end of June and through until the end of August.
This variety of Chrysanthemum is a hardy perennial so hopefully I will get a beautiful display of flowers every year from now.
When they flower I will take some photos and also document how long the flowers last as cut flowers and come back with some updates.
When they flower I will take some photos and also document how long the flowers last as cut flowers and come back with some updates.