Making your own herbal and floral teas | Home grown food and drink


You may have seen a recent post I wrote talking about growing herbs to use as herbal tea infusions. If not you can read it here. One of my favourites will always be mint tea, this year my Applemint is growing really well and is the one I used most to make a herbal infusion. I've also been enjoying Applemint with Bay. 

I wanted to find out more about the different teas you can make at home using herbs and flowers you can forage and grow at home so I went searching for a book and came across this one, called Wild Tea.  

The book not only gives you a selection of recipes but also talks you through the process of harvesting and storing the ingredients by this I mean the berries, roots, seeds, leaves and flowers of plants which can be used in different ways. 

You can find Wild Tea by Nick Mooyle and Richard Hood here. 

Remember it is important when using herbs and plants to make tea or to eat to research them first to find out if they are safe and any side effects to be aware of. 


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