This year I decided to attempt growing Kohlrabi for the first time. I've never eaten it before and never grow it either but found some seeds in my stash for both green and purple so thought I'd have a go at growing them. I'm not sure if I got the seeds free in a magazine, was gifted them or how they ended up in my seed box because I don't remember buying them.

I sowed a batch of green and purple, I think I sowed 12 seeds in a 6 compartment seed tray (2 seeds in each). Only one of the green was successful, i only got one lonely seedling in the whole tray but I think I got 10 from the purple tray. Once the seedlings were around 2 inch tall i transplanted them into beds at the allotment. I spread them out, putting them in different places at the allotment unsure of where they would thrive best. The beds at my allotment are in need of some manure as I think they are a little nutrient deficient at the moment. I was concerned my crops might fail this year but thankfully most have done ok.
So far so good with the Kohl Rabi too, the one single successful green one is current growing the best, it is looking really good. (As seen in the first photo) The rest, all purple, are each growing quite well too. I love the beautiful colours of the leaves on the purple ones.
I'm looking forward to harvesting them later in the year. Hopefully there will be enough for us to try them in a variety of ways in different recipes. I also read that the leaves can be eaten too, best cooked in a sir fry apparently. I like it when the majority of the plant can be eaten, it makes it especially worth growing myself when that is the case.