This October there are a great selection of flowers still in bloom around my small courtyard garden. Everything in my garden is grow in containers, well apart from a few self seeded 'weeds' that is. If the weed that appears looks different or interesting i often leave it to see what sort of plant or flower is going to appear.

I managed to successfully propagate a few of my favourite perennial plants this year so that I could have more of them and also add some to my small allotment patch.
I've loved watching the dahlias come into bloom this year. I don't actually do anything special with mine, don't take them up over winter or bring them in to protect them from the cold. In some ways i'm quite a lazy gardener in that sense. I just hope for the best and see what nature does. Luckily most of my dahlias have survived year on year and given me some beautiful blooms to enjoy.
Fuchsias are one of my absolute favouite plants. My nanna used to grow a wide variety of them in her garden and so I've followed in her footsteps. This year I invested in around 4 new perennial varieties. They were plugs when i got them and they haven't bloomed this year, they seem to be focusing on grown, getting nice and big. Hopefully next year they will offer a beautiful selection of blooms to enjoy. The one pictured below I've had for quite a few years now and always makes me smile, i love the colour combo.
Some of the flowers in the garden suffered during the summer, we had a really long period of heat and no rain. At one point I ran out of water in my water buts and reserve stores. I had to use the garden hose and even then things were getting dry really quickly.
Interestingly some of the plants that have usually died back by now are still in bloom. We are still getting a good portion of sunlight and warmth in the day and a reasonable amount of rain now too so the plants seem to think we are in a a different season. I'm not complaining though, it is lovely to have flowers this late into the season.
This was my first year growing Rudbeckia's i got this as tiny plug plants and they have done really well. They've been a great addition to the garden and allotment. I've also been cutting some to enjoy in a vase in my kitchen through the summer months.
I grew Zinnas from seed this year, the first time I've done this and I was pleased with how they did.