Here are our favourite ways to use and preserve courgettes. There are many more ways we like to use them, this is just our family 'Top 10 ways'
Pickled Courgette
Frozen Courgette
Courgette Chips (Dehydrated Courgette)
Courgetti (Courgette Noodles)
Crispy Courgette
Roasted Vegetables
Courgette Soup
Bulking up meals with courgettes
If you click on any of the above you should be taken to a blog post that will give you more details.
Top Tip
Traditional courgettes, both green and yellow, are perfect for dehydrating. Slice them into thin coin shapes and use your dehydrator to turn them into courgette crisps. (add seasoning to taste)
Traditional courgettes, both green and yellow, are perfect for dehydrating. Slice them into thin coin shapes and use your dehydrator to turn them into courgette crisps. (add seasoning to taste)
Top Tip
When using courgette in cake recipes grating it is best.
When using courgette in cake recipes grating it is best.